The Crowley Foundation

The family you've always had.

Young men of color face social, economic, and health disparities stemming from generations of systemic racism, trauma, a lack of resources, and false narratives. The Crowley Foundation works with each Young King to realize his true potential, transcend life challenges, and become leaders and role models in their communities.

Family. Service. Pay It Forward. Authenticity. Integrity. Leadership. Scholarship.

Family. Service. Pay It Forward. Authenticity. Integrity. Leadership. Scholarship.

The Crowley Foundation connects young men and builds young kings.

Our Vision:

We commit to providing quality service to our youth and their families!

We promise to always provide youth with trusted adults!

We promise to support families with regards to mental health!

We promise to engage, promote and expose students to art, theater & music!

We promise to remain constant and have a visible presence!

We promise to partner with community organizations and schools to serve our students!

We promise to use technology as a viable tool in order to communicate with our students!

We promise to work with local & national agencies to close the mentoring gap!

We promise to work diligently with the city to decrease the number of disconnected youth!

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